Welcome to The Manurewa Principal's Association
Welcome to The Manurewa Principal's Association
The Manurewa Principal's Association (MPA) is made up of 31 schools and Kura that aims to foster collegial support, professional development opportunities and collaboration amongst the schools in Manurewa.
MPA also advocates for the children and community of Manurewa and has representation on a wide range of local, district and national bodies in order to provide this voice.
Membership is open to all School Principals in Manurewa (Primary, Intermediate and Secondary).
Acting Principals are most welcome to attend general Meetings and professional development activities.
Here are some of the amazing Principals in our Manurewa Association ... L-R: Mary (Manurewa East), Rosina (Homai), Kogie (Manurewa West), Saane (Weymouth), Iain (Manurewa Int), Sonia (Roscommon), Pete (Manurewa High), Michelle (Manurewa Central), Julie (Reremoana), Jolene (Clayton Park), Cathy (Greenmeadows Int), Karen (Randwick Park), Melini (Waimahia Int), Wendy (South Auckland Middle School), Gavin (Hill Park), Tone (Manurewa South), Sue (Clendon Park) and Karl (Rowandale - Taking Photo LOL)